Candida utilis

  • 产朊假丝酵母
Candida utilisCandida utilis
  1. Four strains used included Candida utilis 、 Geotrichum candidum 、 Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus .


  2. A new food yeast expression system : Candida utilis


  3. Biosorption conditions of copper ion by Candida utilis cells and cell walls


  4. Breeding of Candida utilis strains with high yield of lipid by mutation


  5. Screening of Culture Medium of Candida utilis as Producers ' Goods of the Health Food


  6. Effects of Dissolved Oxygen and pH on Candida utilis Batch Fermentation of Glutathione


  7. Study on Purification and Characterization of Uricase from Candida utilis


  8. Studies on Differential Uptake of Organic Acids and Producing Microbial Protein Using Apple Pomace by Candida Utilis


  9. Enhanced intracellular glutathione synthesis and export capability of Candida utilis by using low pH-stress strategy


  10. This laid the foundation for industrial production of selenium-enriched Candida utilis with high biomass and more IGC .


  11. The thesis studied how to increase the single cell protein of straw by Trichoderma reese and Candida utilis common fermentation .


  12. Enhancement of Glutathione Production by Combining Cysteine Addition with Dissolved Oxygen Control and Low pH Stress in High Cell Density Cultivation of Candida utilis


  13. Screening and Breeding of An Edible High-yield Protein-producing Strain of Candida utilis and Optimization of Its Fermentation Conditions


  14. Study on the production of mycoprotein by Candida utilis in solid-state fermentation with Jatropha curcas seed cake as substrate


  15. In this paper , we study the fermentation process conditions of fermented Jatropha cake ( meal ) respectively by Geotrichum candidum and Candida utilis , and optimized the conditions .


  16. We utilized Solid vinasse to culture candida utilis for single-cell protein ( SCP ), deter minted the prosess and technical condition to produce the SCP .


  17. The nutrient conditions of glutathione biosynthesis by Candida utilis WSH 02-08 in shaking flasks were studied . Glucose was proved to be the optimal carbon source , and ammonium sulfate and urea were chosen as mixed nitrogen .


  18. Using Candida utilis 1087 and Candida tropicalis 1254 , the microbial fermentation of protein was produced , and its lees liquid in the removal of COD was explore , also with the compare of enzymes and glucoamylase complex role in the fermentation .
